You may be asking yourself this...what is xposed, the xposed framework, & more importantly...what the HELL is Terminal Installer X???
1. xposed is like a custom rom!...however instead of flashing install apps or "modules" that modify the system which breathes new life to your device with new features you could NOT hope to have on stock android!
2. The xposed framework is an "engine" for the apps or "modules" to utilize which gives them the ability to modify the system!
Now the moment you been waiting for...what the hell is "Terminal Installer X???"
Terminal Installer X is a tool which is by far the most easiest way to install the xposed framework WITHOUT a custom recovery!
What does that mean exactly?
Hankuna Matata!
-Normally to install the xposed WILL need a custom recovery to flash it...However not every device that's new & old has a
custom recovery built for it...SO what if your device does NOT have one?
It's simple...that's why "Terminal Installer X" was built for!
To read a list of frequently asked questions...go here!
Incompatible devices list:
1. Only some SAMSUNG devices that run 5.0.x -due to a experimental test framework varient...please be advised that may not work with all devices!
2. a certain Dell Venue 8 7840(probably more)
3. Cerain stock Sony..please check this isssue here...https:github.comrovo89Xposedissues64
side notes:
This tool and I will NOT be held responsible to what you do with your device, but if anything happens to it...
just report an issue & I will TRY to help you restore your device to working conditions.
Installing the xposed framework alone does NOT give you any features so you will NEED to install xposed installer which handles the repository of "modules" that you can choose to install from that implements such features.
This tool REQUIRES xposed installer 3.0 aplha4 & busybox to be installed!
This tool would NOT have existed WITHOUT the ground breaking work of rovo89 who created xposed & made it what it is today!
github website-http:goo.glh0eU1C
report issues here-https:goo.glzLOkII